112 research outputs found

    Study of the Applicability Domain of the QSAR Classification Models by Means of the Rivality and Modelability Indexes

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    The reliability of a QSAR classification model depends on its capacity to achieve confident predictions of new compounds not considered in the building of the model. The results of this external validation process show the applicability domain (AD) of the QSAR model and, therefore, the robustness of the model to predict the property/activity of new molecules. In this paper we propose the use of the rivality and modelability indexes for the study of the characteristics of the datasets to be correctly modeled by a QSAR algorithm and to predict the reliability of the built model to prognosticate the property/activity of new molecules. The calculation of these indexes has a very low computational cost, not requiring the building of a model, thus being good tools for the analysis of the datasets in the first stages of the building of QSAR classification models. In our study, we have selected two benchmark datasets with similar number of molecules but with very different modelability and we have corroborated the capacity of the predictability of the rivality and modelability indexes regarding the classification models built using Support Vector Machine and Random Forest algorithms with 5-fold cross-validation and leave-one-out techniques. The results have shown the excellent ability of both indexes to predict outliers and the applicability domain of the QSAR classification models. In all cases, these values accurately predicted the statistic parameters of the QSAR models generated by the algorithm

    Estudio comparativo de la adaptación al espacio europeo de educación superior en asignaturas del segundo ciclo de ingeniería informática

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    Nowadays the Spanish Universities are deeply involved in an adaptation process from the university studies to the European Higher Education Space (EHES) in order to reach the European convergence by means of a series of established criteria which are getting progressively in practice in the different Universities and, among them, in the University of Córdoba. In this paper, we have attempted to capture the experience carried out in the application of the established approach corresponding with the ECTS credits during the academic course 2005/2006 for two subjects belonging to the Second Cycle of Computer Engineer. The studied aspects have been: the management and scheduling of the educational contents, the impact produced in the way of learning by the use of the new technologies and the teaching development along the course. Also, we describe and analyze the educational results obtained by the application of the interactive methodologies combined with the use of new technologies in order to provide the students with a background in agreement with the work market request.En la actualidad las Universidades Españolas están inmersas en un proceso de adaptación de las titulaciones universitarias al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) para lograr la convergencia europea mediante una serie de criterios establecidos que se están llevando a la práctica de manera progresiva en las distintas universidades y, por lo tanto, en la Universidad de Córdoba. En este trabajo se ha intentado plasmar la experiencia llevada a cabo durante el curso académico 2005/2006 de dos de las asignaturas impartidas en el Segundo Ciclo de Ingeniero Informático mediante los criterios establecidos en la aplicación de créditos ECTS. Los aspectos estudiados han sido: la gestión y distribución temporal de los contenidos docentes, el impacto producido por el uso de las nuevas tecnologías y el desarrollo de la docencia. Se describen y analizan los resultados obtenidos en la aplicación de las metodologías interactivas combinadas con el uso de nuevas tecnologías para una preparación del alumnado más acorde con el mercado de trabajo

    State of the Art, Trends and Future of Bluetooth Low Energy, Near Field Communication and Visible Light Communication in the Development of Smart Cities

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    The current social impact of new technologies has produced major changes in all areas of society, creating the concept of a smart city supported by an electronic infrastructure, telecommunications and information technology. This paper presents a review of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Near Field Communication (NFC) and Visible Light Communication (VLC) and their use and influence within different areas of the development of the smart city. The document also presents a review of Big Data Solutions for the management of information and the extraction of knowledge in an environment where things are connected by an “Internet of Things” (IoT) network. Lastly, we present how these technologies can be combined together to benefit the development of the smart city

    An ubiquitous and non intrusive system for pervasive advertising using NFC and geolocation technologies and air hand gestures

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    In this paper we present a pervasive proposal for advertising using mobile phones, Near Field Communication, geolocation and air hand gestures. Advertising post built by users in public/private spaces can store multiple ads containing any kind of textual, graphic or multimedia information. Ads are automatically shows in the mobile phone of the users using a notification based process considering relative user location between the posts and the user preferences. Moreover, ads can be stored and retrieved from the post using hand gestures and Near Field Communication technology. Secure management of information about users, posts, and notifications and the use of instant messaging enable the development of systems to extend the current advertising strategies based on Web, large displays or digital signage

    An Alert System for People Monitoring Based on Multi- Agents using Maps

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    This paper describes an alert system for people monitoring based on multi-agent using maps. This system monitors the users’ physical context using their mobile phone. The data acquisition is made using the available sensors on mobile phone. A set of agents on mobile phones are responsible for collecting, processing and sending data to the server. Another set of agents on server stores the data and checks the preconditions of the restrictions associated with the user, in order to trigger the appropriate alarms. These alarms are sent not only to the user that violates a restriction, but also to the one responsible for supervising the person monitored. The supervisor can control all the supervised people through a map interface with functionality such as sending a SMS or making a call directly from the map. The applicability of the system will be illustrated with an example for Alzheimer patient monitoring. These patients will carry on normal activity in the home environment or home for the elderly, monitored by their family or by nurses

    BiViCyT: Biblioteca Virtual de Documentos Científicos y Técnicos

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    In this paper a Web information system devoted to the administration of scientific and technicians documents that are produced by the university community is presented. BiViCyT allows the management of tha administrative information related with some types of documents as research works, thesis and end career projects, as well as the storage and recovery of any type of multimedia information related with these documents, and consistent in files containing the manuscript, graphics, videos, texts sources and applications software, etc., which should accompany this type of scientific or technician material. This digital information can be consulted and discharged by Internet through a secure system, facilitating the access to it for the university community.En este trabajo se presenta un sistema de información Web destinado a la gestión de documentos científicos y técnicos que son producidos por a comunidad unviersitaria. BiBiCyt permite la gestión de la información administrativa relacionada con algunos tipos de documentos como tesinas, tesis y proyectos fin de carrera, así como el almacenamiento y recuperación de cualquier tipo de información multimedia relacionada con estos documentos, consistente en archivos conteniendo la memoria, gráficas, vídeos, textos fuentes y aplicaciones software, etc., que pueden acompañar a este tipo de material científico o técnico. Esta información digital puede ser consultada y descargada por Internet a través de un sistema seguro, facilitando el acceso a la misma por la comunidad universitaria

    Effects of Molecular Representation in Predicting the Biological Activity using SVM and PLS Approaches

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    In this work we study and analyze the behavior of different representational spaces for molecular activity prediction. Representational spaces based on fingerprint similarity, structural similarity using maximum common subgraphs (MCS) and all maximum common subgraphs (AMCS) approaches are compared against representational spaces based on structural fragments and non-isomorphic fragments (NIF), built using different molecular descriptors. Support vector machine is used to study the influence of molecular representation in the dataset classification and PLS regression is proposed to construct a QSAR model for the molecular activity predictio

    Especificación del proceso de desarrollo de un sistema para la realización de tutorías virtuales como herramienta de ayuda en la consolidación de los criterios de Bolonia

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    The main objective of this work is to serve as help in the learning process of the student community in agreement with the new teaching philosophy established in the Spanish Universities for the adjustment of the different University studies to the programs baaed on credits and they centred in the necessary student effort for the attainment of the objectives of a program based on ECTS credits (European Credits Trnasfer System). The system described in this paper has as purpose the help in the student-teacher remote comminication by means of the simulation of the real dialogue developed along the academic course. This system commucicates in real time, from distant locations, a professor to one or several students registered in the subjects teaching by this professor. In this way, the system allows the student-teacher interaction with the purpose of simulating the real dialogue. Also, the system incorporates a tutorial manager, a calendar for the requesting, notification and to management of the tutorial, and a report tool for the tutorial register, dialogue pursuit and reports printing giving to the professor (and students) a high quality educational support.El objetivo principal de este trabajo es servir de ayuda en el proceso de aprendizaje de la comunidad estudiantil de acuerdo a la nueva filosofía de enseñanza que se está estableciendo en las Universidades Españolas para el ajuste de las curriculas de las diferentes titulaciones al programa de educación basado en créditos y centrado en la carga de trabajo del estudiante necesaria para la consecución de los objetivos de un programa de créditos ECTS (European Credits Transfer System). El sistema descrito en este trabajo tiene como propósito la ayuda en la comunicación a distancia profesor-alumno mediante la simulación de las tutorías presenciales que se desarrollan a lo largo del curso académico. Este sistema deberá poner en contacto desde ubicaciones distantes a un profesor y a uno o varios alumnos matriculados en las asignaturas impartidas por dicho profesor, en tiempo real y permitir la interacción entre ellos, con el fin de simular el proceso de diálogo de una tutoría presencial. Además, el sistema incorpora un gestor de tutorías, una agenda que se encarga de la petición, recordatorio y gestión de las mismas, y un gestor de informes que lleva a cabo el registro, seguimiento e impresión de informes aportando al profesor ( y alumnos) un material docente de alta calidad